Romeo and Juliet: Videos

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The following are clips from the 2013 Playing Shakespeare with Deutsche Bank production of Romeo and Juliet at Shakespeare's Globe.

Act 1, Scene 1

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'Two households, both alike in dignity,/In fair Verona where we lay our scene...'

Men of the houses of the Montagues and Capulets meet in the streets of Verona and violence erupts. Benvolio attempts to keep the peace, but a 'hate' filled Tybalt reignites the feud. Escalus the 'moved Prince' arrives and restores a temporary order, pronouncing a heavy sentence on both families: 'If ever you disturb our streets again,/Your lives shall pay the forfeit of the peace'.


Act 1, Scene 5

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'Thus from your lips, by yours, my sin is purged...'

The fateful meeting between Romeo and Juliet at the Capulets' party. Romeo and Juliet bandy words and looks back and forth, before sharing a kiss.

Act 2, Scene 2

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'O Romeo, Romeo! wherefore art thou Romeo?'

After falling in love at first sight, Romeo sees Juliet on her balcony. Musing on Romeo and the fact that he is a Montague, her family's sworn enemy, Juliet asks 'What's in a name?' Romeo reveals himself and the two plan to marry.

Act 3 Scene 1:

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'A plague o'both your houses...'

The tension between the Montagues and Capulets come to a head. Tybalt seeks revenge on Romeo, who refuses to fight a member of Juliet's family. Mercutio steps in, leading to deadly consequences for all...



Act 3 Scene 5:

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'I have an ill-divining soul:/Methinks I see thee, now thou art below,/As one dead in the bottom of the tomb...'

Following the consecration of their marriage vows, the lovers awake in each others' arms. Their joy is shortlived, as a banished Romeo must leave Verona on pain of death. Juliet tries to convince her lover to stay, saying it was the nightingale they hear sing and not the morning lark. The lovers, however, accept their fate and Romeo leaves, the last time the two lovers will see each other in life.


Act 4, Scene 1

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'I long to die...'

Juliet visits Friar Laurence, who is giving councel to Paris. Paris looks forward to their nuptials, unaware that Juliet is already betrothed to Romeo, and leaves Juliet to her 'devotion'. A suicidal Juliet laments her current state: 'bid me leap rather than marry Paris'. The Friar provides an unorthodox  'remedy' to this situation and reveals his plan to reunite the lovers.


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Will Featherstone talks about Romeo, his language and the relationships which are important to him in the play.



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Jade Anouka talks about her character of Juliet, her relationship with Romeo, and Juliet's decision to drink the Friar's potion.



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Richard James-Neale talks about the dynamics between himself, Benvolio and Romeo, and the famous Queen Mab speech.



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Joshua Williams discusses the character of Benvolio, what relationships are important, and acting on the Globe stage.



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Beruce Khan talks about approaching the character of 'fiery Tybalt', and his actions in the play.


Lord Capulet

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Jason Baughan discusses Lord Capulet and his relationships with those closest to him, including Juliet and Tybalt.


Lady Capulet

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Emma Pallant played the roles of Lady Capulet and the Prince in this production and in this interview, she discusses the challenge of quick changes.


The Nurse

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Lisa Stevenson talks about playing the Nurse, her close relationship with Juliet, and her bawdy language.


Friar Lawrence

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Dickon Tyrrell explores the Friar's involvement in Romeo and Juliet's relationship and his motives behind his help.



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Tom Whitelock talks about Paris's feelings for Juliet, whether they are sincere, and the similarities between Paris and Juliet.



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Dickon Tyrrell discusses the role of Peter, one of the servants of the Capulets.


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