Macbeth: Interviews

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Click the actors below for interviews with members of the cast from previous productions of Macbeth at the Globe from our Adopt an Actor interview series.

For more information on these productions, visit the Macbeth: Productions resource.


2016: directed by Iqbal Khan

Porter - Nadia Albini >>
Banquo - Jermaine Dominique >>


2013: directed by Eve Best

Banquo - Billy Boyd >>
Lady Macbeth - Samantha Spiro >>


2010: directed by Lucy Bailey

Macbeth - Elliot Cowan >>
Lady Macbeth - Laura Rogers >>
Macduff - Keith Dunphy >>
Witch - Janet Fullerlove >>
Ross - Julius D'Silva >>


2001: directed by Tim Carroll

Macbeth - Jasper Britton >>
Lady Macbeth - Eve Best >>
Malcolm - Chu Omambala >>
Macduff - Liam Brennan >>
Seyton, Weird sister & Porter - Paul Chahidi >>



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